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Eton college in a sentence

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Sentence count:19Posted:2020-12-25Updated:2020-12-25
Similar words: collegecollege boycollege leveljunior collegecollege studentcommunity collegetraining collegedartmouth collegeMeaning: n. a public school for boys founded in 1440; located in Berkshire. 
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1. They've already put his name down for Eton College.
2. Eton College was founded by Henry VI in 1440.
3. He was a King's scholar at Eton College.
4. In 1654 he became chaplain of Eton College, a post he held until he was ejected in 1660.
5. For example, Eton College and Harrow School.
6. There are no overseas 'branches' of Eton College.
7. Eton College, founded by King Henry VI in 1440, is a private secondary school for boys in Eton, Berkshire, England.
8. The four most famous of all are Eton College, Harrow School, Winchester College and Rugby School.
9. Around the beginning of June at Eton College, boys gather on the banks of the Thames to watch classmates wearing flower-festooned straw hats row past.
10. Eton College was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI.
11. ETON COLLEGE , the school that taught David Cameron , the Conservative leader,(sentencedict .com) is renowned for its excellence.
12. On stylistic grounds Vertue may also be credited with the design of Lupton's chantry in Eton College chapel.
13. All this music is preserved in the Eton Choirbook, compiled in c.1500-4 for use by the choir of Eton College chapel.
14. Left : An 18 - year - old Prince William plays soccer at Eton College.
15. Peter Needham, who taught Latin and Greek at top boys school Eton College, was translating the first of Rowling's books, "This is going to be a wonderful thing for children.
16. The most eminent ones, are called by the name of the town or village in which they are situated. The four most famous of all are Eton College, Harrow School, Winchester College and Rugby School.
17. It is the first time for the audience in Beijing to enjoy this charming chorale offered by the famous Eton College Chapel Choir.
18. Abhisit the annual 46-year-old, born in England, Newcastle, well-known private school Eton College, then enrolled at Oxford University.
19. As a child, Cox won a scholarship to the elite Eton College alongside his friend Boris Johnson, now London's mayor.
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